Monday, August 27, 2007

Sundevil Football

As the days wind down (minus 5 days,1 hour,25 min) the anxiety heightens. Monica is relatively calm and unaware of the change that is about to come into our lives. Her mother-in-law tried to warn here and make her aware of what would be coming. I think Monica really did not understand the full level of commitment college football requires. These days and months have been in waiting for about 9 months now. When the season tickets arrived, the happiness in Tyler's eyes was incomparable to anything before seen. (except for our wedding day). Not only is this time for Saturday nights in Tempe at the stadium, but also all day football on Saturday, but also Thursday and Friday nights. There is even the occasional Wednesday night game. Saturday mornings are Spent watching the hours of ESPN GAME DAY, and then the rest of the day is trying to flip through all the channels to get the best of each game. Is Monica ready for this roller coaster of a ride, for the next 50+ years???????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.